The Code of Ethics for the Nevada Educated Business Partner of the Nevada Chapter of Community Association’s Institute has been adopted by the Education Business Partner Committee and the Board of Directors of the Nevada Chapter of Community Association ‘s Institute as the official rules of conduct that shall apply to all recognized educated business partners equally , while serving as a volunteer for CAI’ s Committee ‘s and providing services for any Common Interest Community and the standard of care continues in affect even after the end of any term(s).
The Recognized NVEBP candidate , who has fulfilled all of the pre-recognition requirements and signed this document , shall observe these rules of conduct and Standards of Care for as long as the Recognized NVEBP remains a member of the CAI Nevada Chapter.
A person can remain a Recognized NVEBP as long as the individual is willing to remain dedicated to the common interest community industry to further promote the aspect of positive living in a common interest community along with any published renewal requirements. The Recognized EBP shall continue to seek and promote education in the industry, as well, which is the mission statement of CAI.
a. General Standards
The Recognized NVEBP shall comply with the then current Nevada Administrative Code NAC 116, NAC 116A, NRS 116, and NRS 116A and any specific Nevada laws that pertain to the area of expertise in which the Recognized NVEBP practices. This includes compliance with any provisions of the governing documents that apply to this area of service , such as insurance .
b. Integrity and Objectivity
The Recognized NVEBP shall perform his or her duties in a manner that is complete and sound with honesty , integrity and sincerity.
c. Technical Standards
The Recognized NVEBP shall comply with all standards that are currently in force or may from time to time be promulgated by CAI and the Nevada Chapter of CAI relating to business partners. The current 10 Commandments for Recognized Business Partners of CAI (shown below) are those technical standards that have been adopted for compliance along with all provisions that may be changed from time to time by the State of Nevada in NRS 116, NRS 116A, NAC 116A and NAC 116.
A Recognized NVEBP SHALL:
- Be consistent in all of your dealings .
- Be faithful in fulfilling all contractual requirements .
- Be faithful in following any RFP ‘ s provided before submitting a bid recognizing that the board’s requirement to get three bids when practicable and that those bids will be opened at a quarterly meeting where a decision may be made .
- Not attempt to influence any decision by offering incentives to any individual (manager or director) .
- Communicate consistently throughout the project to assure no miscommunications.
- Provide emergency contact information as necessary to ensure proper communication during the project.
- Deal honestly with all individuals.
- Resist using your position as a committee member, director or other volunteer position with CAI for personal gain .
- If serving on the CAI Board , remember that you are a board member helping to operate a Nevada Non-Profit Corporate , and keep the best interest of the industry and all members of CAI in mind .
- Encourage all Business Members to obtain education and knowledge of their important role in providing services to a Common Interest Community .
d. Conflict of Interest
A Recognized NVEBP shall avoid any real , perceived or apparent conflicts of interest with their involvement with CAI and any positions that may be held.
e. Gratuities
Other than through CAI sanctioned sponsorships , the Recognized Nevada Educated Business Partner shall not offer any bribe , gratuity or incentive to any individual to receive favorable consideration in providing bids , etc.
f. Disciplinary Action
Any Recognized NVEBP who violates any of the above rules may , after a hearing, be subject to disciplinary action which includes suspension of the Recognition.
By signing below , the candidate for the Recognized NVEBP agrees to abide by the Standards of Care of the Nevada Chapter of Community Association ‘s Institute and be subject to procedures for disciplinary action upon violation of the Standards.